Monday, March 03, 2014


At first the egg of the caterpiller is perched on the green leaf. And     devour time!!! Chewy ooooo yummy! Well for the caterpiller.   Tinsy bitsy baby caterpiller is out in the house yay!!!                    Oooooo its geting fat yay!!! Its bigger now two hours later cool I can see silk!!! its hanging upsidedown.W. O. W. 2 days later... cccccrrrrraaaaaccccckkkkk   oh no is the caterpiller dead?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Is that it its BRAINS ? Good a book called CATERPILLERS and it tells me if you see it crack and its green its the chrysalis. Good I thort. Riggel sgwigel twist turn goood its finly over! And it transformd into a chrysalis. awful foul gross messy so horrid!!! Yuuuuuk! 
But if it was a pokemon it would look like silkoon or muk or gimmer because they are like butterflys and chrysalises!!! I wish there was no animals just pokemons! Kaauuwplboow!!! 
 Crack oooh sikoons evolveing into a butterfly. Its training its wings.  Fly like a bird fly fly! monarch butterfly.


  1. I love all of your descriptive language Jerome. Well done!

  2. I thought this was a professional writer writing this story! A lovely nature story, Jerome. - Nana & Poppa
