Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Skate boarding! - Week 8

Today is just another normal day at the skate park.
I skate over to the three ramps, I try the big one in the middle!
I'm air born!  I try to pull off a 360, but I fall off my board when I land.
Image result for skateboard 360
When I'm practicing my grinds, I watch pros do heel flips, impossibles, nollie impossibles and kick flips!
Then I see a guy try to do a caballerial!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

My LEGO creations! - Week 5

Here are some of my lego creations!
My monster truck motor.

Black haunted bridge.
Micro houses of microvile.
I made these with no instructions! (but I have done better!)
These are some of the sets I have.
 Image result for lego atlantis Lego Atlantis
Image result for lego atlantis
Image result for lego atlantis
Image result for lego star wars Lego Star Wars
Image result for lego ninjago 2015 Lego Ninjago

Image result for lego city concrete mixer Lego City
Image result for lego monster fighters Lego Monster Fighters

That's just some of my lego!

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Area - Week 6

Area is how to measure space inside a shape, for example on minecraft, if you're building a house.
If it is going to be a big house like 7 x 9 seven right across(aka row), nine come right down(aka column).
So work out usimg times tables,









7x9 = 63
Image result for minecraft houses
Image result for square units