Door magic
"Bath time," shouted mum. I stop the running bath and hoped in. I wondered why it was so bumpy. I peered down below me and there was something brown. Quickly I pulled the plug and as the water drained away I saw a door. It was rough and all Different type's of woods,birch wood, oak wood, jungle wood, spiky ^^^ pine wood! It was a BIG suprise, IT WAS A DOOR! Wait did I s@y door two times!?! The water was slowly draining away because of the key hole. That was good because I actuly wanted to look through it so when the water was washed away I could LOOK in the key hole! So now after the water was gone I peered through the key hole and murmured "White and blue?" Then ^>!^>SPARK!>z><z>!z>z<! "O...OKAY" I stammered. I looked again... ^z><z>! Then I reached for thedoor handle I gulped. WAW WAW E E E E E E O O O O O O O O O O WA SLAM "was that a Wubbox(Its the RAREST monster In the monster UNIVERSE!)" So I opened the door again! BOO ZUKA ZA BOO SHUKA ZA ZA ZA ZA ZA Z SLAM! Grumpere! (a monster worth a thousand diamonds). Then I fully opened the DOOOOOOOOOOOOOR! THUMP! Yikes that was scary! So I went to explore around the place. I heard more stuff, stuff, stuff, STUFF EEK! I turned around... Oh it's just a Dragong ( a monster worth 25000 diamonds). After a while the Dragong was still folowing me! "Cool! I've got a pet Dragong!" I found a small cave it had sparkley stuff! I found a pick-axe and rope. I went mining for dimonds 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,11,12, 8 Years later........ 2 5 0 0 0! They were BRIGHT green and sparkleing in the dark cave. I went outta the cave by rope. The Dragong was still in th... COOL! It's climbing with it's gongs on its feet! CLANG! CLING! CRASH! Yay were out of the cave. I saw the door straight in front of me! CREAK! I'm back in my bed I saw the door on my bed. I saw the Dragong's gong... CLANG I griped onto it I pulled it out... CLAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!
It was my own pet Dragong!
This is really wonderful writing, Jerome. You are becoming a very interesting and entertaining author. I love your stories!