`WALT present a piece of artwork for our parents to buy.
Success Criteria
- Take our time, show patience (GRIT)
- Plan our piece of artwork
- Take care with the painting and dyeing
- Research for our inspiration
- Explain the steps you took to make your artwork on your blog
- How do you feel about your artwork?
- What was a challenge?
Calender art!
Room 12s calendar art for 2016 is footprint and handprint art!
We had to paint our foot, and put it on paper then take it off.
Wait for it to dry then paint the details on.
My one was a T-rex and a Brachiosaurus.
^ ^
Brachiosaurus T-rex
(Hand) (foot)
A brachiosaurus is a herbivore (eats leafs) A t-rex is a carnivore (eats meat)
I got the idea from this →
I changed the stegosaurus to a brachiosaurus and the velociraptor to a t-rex.
I feel proud of my artwork, because my plan was a fail but my good copy was better than I expected! Something I found challenging was keeping the paint inside the line.
I love how you took an idea and changed it into your own personal artwork by changing the dinosaurs. I also enjoyed watching the care you took when you painted the back of the brachiosaurua. Good job!