Success Criteria:
- I plan for a writing task
- I write a variety of sentence lengths with different sentence starters
- Give reasons with detail - use specific words
- I write most topic and high frequency words correctly.
- I use capital letters, fullstops, question marks and exclamation marks correctly.
- Use persuasive language
Pets should be allowed in school.
I strongly believe that pets should be allowed in school.
You can stroke your Cat to make you feel happy.
You can also cuddle your dog to make you feel happy.
To entertain the class you can teach your cat or dog to dance or
you can also teach your kitten to piggyback on your cat.
And your dog could play soccer.
For a treat for the dog, it can do parkour and at the end there will be a treat!

Another point is you can get your dog to get your pencil.
Another reason is birds can put a piece of paper in the rubbish.
Dogs can pull the chain to the blind to open the blind, and for the teacher, the teacher's dog can sniff out lollies in students pockets!
So that is why I think pets should be allowed in school.
Really good ideas, Jerome. I especially like the one about the dog sniffing out lollies in students' pockets! I also like your pakour animation.