"I'm going to teach you how to make a cloud."
"HUH?" "CLICK!"..."CLICK!"
He took out this thingy. --()
It is a... errrrrrrr eeeeh I don't know! The weird thingy is a pole joind onto a loop made out of coper. He keeps it in a birch wood box to keep it safe.
He is an old
pa who blows bubbles ... CLOUDS through the cloud making device. When ever some one flushes air into the pole and makes a cloud.The boy goes "piff" The pa pa goes "PPPIIIFFFTTT"
Pa has a suprising breath! Pa's breath rate is (~~~~~~~~~~~~~)! The boys rate is (~).
He tries to teach the boy. BUT... will the boy EVER learn? PIFF!... PIFF! PIFF! PI-CLICK!
Dang it! CRASH!!! The boy was bending it over too much. It was all squashed, out of shape like a blob! The boy bent it into a skate boarding boy. Then pa pa blew through the machine! Magicly the skate boarding boy shape apeered in the clouds.
A unicorn cloud. A kitten cloud. A cheese burger cloud.
He can make any cloud he wants. That is how picture clouds are made.
I wish that this story was true then I could be allowed to make a picture cloud?
Dang it! CRASH!!! The boy was bending it over too much. It was all squashed, out of shape like a blob! The boy bent it into a skate boarding boy. Then pa pa blew through the machine! Magicly the skate boarding boy shape apeered in the clouds.
A unicorn cloud. A kitten cloud. A cheese burger cloud.

He can make any cloud he wants. That is how picture clouds are made.
I wish that this story was true then I could be allowed to make a picture cloud?
Wow, I thought that was true! Wouldn't it be fun if it was. You are really using your imagination, Jerome.