Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Camp Kaitawa


My favorite things at camp!
The favorite things I did at camp was doing the rock hopping, caving, master chef and river jumping.
In the rock hopping I was in the first group and we were leaping from rock to rock with speed and skill but we were going too fast and we went past where we were meant to stop and when the adult yelled out come back I quickly turned around and fell backwards off the rock and tumbled down and I got a big graze on my leg.

When I did caving I had to be at the front, I was scared because there was heaps of wetas but I got over my fear of caving once we started doing it more.
In master chef we came third place, we did a Micky mouse pancake and we did noodles mince and wedges.
At lake Kiriopukai we had to jump over a river, when I jumped over, my shoes got soaked and then I thought to myself meh, I might as well jump in. I started to see other people jumping in, so I just leaped in!

Friday, April 01, 2016

Camp Omatua!

Here is the Omatua stew!
When you’re finished on the kayak you have to walk back!
Just casually making Omatua stew!
This is my $waggy F1 race car in the category BL!NG.
1 graze and 14 bruises, worth it!
After camp we went to Puketapu domain!

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Calendar art!

`WALT present a piece of artwork for our parents to buy.
Success Criteria
  • Take our time, show patience (GRIT)
  • Plan our piece of artwork
  • Take care with the painting and dyeing
  • Research for our inspiration
  • Explain the steps you took to make your artwork on your blog
  • How do you feel about your artwork?  
  • What was  a challenge?

Calender art!

Room 12s calendar art for 2016 is footprint and handprint art!
We had to paint our foot, and put it on paper then take it off.
Wait for it to dry then paint the details on.
My one was a T-rex and a Brachiosaurus.
                             ^                                           ^
                    Brachiosaurus                          T-rex
                  (Hand)                                         (foot)
                         Image result for brachiosaurusImage result for t rex   
 A brachiosaurus is a herbivore (eats leafs) A t-rex is a carnivore (eats meat)
I got the idea from this →      Image result for dinosaur footprint art     I changed the stegosaurus to a brachiosaurus and the velociraptor to a t-rex.        

I feel proud of my artwork, because my plan was a fail but my good copy was better than I expected! Something I found challenging was keeping the paint inside the line.                   

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Animal Band Reader's Theater

Walt performe to an audiience
Success Criteria:
  • speak clearly
  • speak loudly
  • speak with expression
  • speak together as a group
On Friday 4th of September 2015, Room 12 and I performed our assembly item, it was called the animal band! 
The animals were Donkey, Dog, Cat and Rooster!
The humans were Robbers 1, Robber 2, Robbers 3, Narrator 1, Narrator 2 and Readers.
Henrietta and Ruby L are donkeys, Jaden Jasmine Declan and Kalae are Dogs, Terenzo Emma Sienna and Ruby H are Cats, Daniel Brad and me (Jerome) were Roosters.

 Narrator 1 is Kady, Narrator 2 is Maiya, Readers are Thomas, Beau and Teague, Robbers 1 are Liam, Boston, Tayla, Nathan and Ella, Robber 2 is Kaedyn, Robbers 3 are Jack, Lachlan and Max.

On Friday when we went into the hall, and the classes started filing in, I got a bit nervous, But after the play we got a huge clap!
After the assembly item, we did the school singing and Mr G gave out certificates and they put on the exiting song... 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Persuasive Writing - Term 3 Week 5

WALT persuade other students to agree with our opinion.  This the purpose for my writing.
Success Criteria:
  1. I plan for a writing task
  2. I write a variety of sentence lengths with different sentence starters
  3. Give reasons with detail - use specific words
  4. I write most topic and high frequency words correctly.
  5. I use capital letters, fullstops, question marks and exclamation marks correctly.
  6. Use persuasive language

Drums are better than Guitars.

In my opinion this is why I think drums are better than guitars.

I believe that drums are much better than guitars because drums are what keeps a band in time. There are lots of types of drum sticks

Guitars only make one noise in different chords, but drums make lots of different sounds! You have to plug an electric guitar into an amp to make it work.  Drums can’t hurt your fingers, but guitars make your fingers blister and hurt!

There is more pieces to a drum kit then you think, there is a cymbal with holes in it. There is a cymbal on a cymbal, a ton of different crashes and rides, a small tom and a lot more!

So that is why I believe Drums are better than guitars.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Pets should be allowed in school Term three week four

WALT persuade other students to agree with our opinion.  This the purpose for my writing.
Success Criteria:
  1. I plan for a writing task
  2. I write a variety of sentence lengths with different sentence starters
  3. Give reasons with detail - use specific words
  4. I write most topic and high frequency words correctly.
  5. I use capital letters, fullstops, question marks and exclamation marks correctly.
  6. Use persuasive language

Pets should be allowed in school.

I strongly believe that pets should be allowed in school.

You can stroke your Cat to make you feel happy.
You can also cuddle your dog to make you feel happy.

To entertain the class you can teach your cat or dog to dance or
you can also teach your kitten to piggyback on your cat.
And your dog could play soccer.
For a treat for the dog, it can do parkour and at the end there will be a treat!

Another point is you can get your dog to get your pencil.
Another reason is birds can put a piece of paper in the rubbish.
Dogs can pull the chain to the blind to open the blind, and for the teacher, the teacher's dog can sniff out lollies in students pockets!

So that is why I think pets should be allowed in school.

Friday, August 07, 2015

Skimming reading strategy

WALT skim an unknown text so that we can quickly get an understanding of it.
I can decide if a book has useful information I need, or whether I want to read it for pleasure.
You can look at the cover, blurb, chapters, pictures and index.